What’s the best career path for an administrative assistant?

Question: “What is the best career path that an administrative assistant can take in the admin or facilities field, and what would the duties be?” — Sreekumari K


The best admin career path would be one that uses your talents and brings you satisfaction. There is no “best” career field. An admin should expect to deal with spreadsheets, word documents, schedules, event planning, organizing, communicating with others, writing, proofing, data entry, and so much more. The admin field covers many different job duties, but most will require good grammar and verbal skills, and computer skills and software knowledge. I hope this helps.

I agree there is no best career path. You should think about what excites you about your current duties. Do you like event planning? Project management? Those are both options, or you could focus on becoming an executive assistant or office manager. For now, just work towards being the absolute best you can be doing what you are doing and then determine what you enjoy the most.
Good luck!

Admins usually feel there is no way “Up” in this field. If you are well organized, reliable, efficient in the work you do and show initiative to learn more, there are managers who will work with you. Years ago, as a teenager, I started working as an admin because of exceptional typing skills. With a lot of initiative and managers who encourage staff to strive for improvement, I have branched into various aspects in the admin field. I maintain our books (accounting) for the firm; I function as a Off. Manager; I am the “go to” person for all the questions our staff might have. Although my title hasn’t changed, the most effective title would be “right-hand man”. I am satisfied in being known as an admin staff, but I am greatly pleased at what I am able to do for myself and my firm as well. Good luck, and strive to learn something new every day. Life is too short, not to.

When I started out I was just a secretary, now I have worked my way up to being an Office Manager. I still do all the secretary grunt work but also have additional duties along with a better pay scale and I am the go to person whenever anything happens in the company. I wouldn’t change a thing that has happened to me on the way up, took me awhile but I am there!

EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s essential for every organization to have a standard operating procedure for their admin assistant. Business Management Daily’s SOP manual will help you create your own operating procedures, allowing your organization to be more efficient and effective. Get Standard Operating Procedure: An example manual of operating procedure for an administrative assistant now!

I don’t think there is a set career path. I would say the skills and education you have will tell you where you can start. I received a certificate of completion for office assistant from a local community college. When I graduated the only jobs I previously held involved working with children. I was able to pull my organizational skills and others of that type for my resume. But a lot of employers wanted experience in the administrative field. I ended up starting my career as a receptionist because it was an entry level position. I was able to show my skill set I learned in high school and college. Those experiences landed me a higher paying position with another company as a receptionist, and have since been promoted to administrative assistant. As the company grows and higher admin assistant or secretary positions open, I would hope to advance. Like others have mentioned, there are many different directions you can go within the field. You just have to decide what you are best at and what you enjoy. Not every administrative assistant covers the same duties.

Get a degree and then get out of the admin ranks. If you try to work your way up through the ranks without college it will take you TEN years or more to advance. With a four-year degree in hand you can easily unlock doors that would be closed to you as an admin with “some or no” college.
Just call me:
The Voice of Experience

I agree with everyone that there is no set career path. You need to decide what you like. I know people who have been receptionists for years and love it. They like the involvement with the outside. Yet I know others who prefer a position where they have variety.

I started in the Admin field 5 years ago as a Receptionist. After about a year I was promoted to HR Administrative Assistant. I left that company a few years ago and I am currently the Office Manager for a small company where I do a little of everything (HR, Accounting, Payroll, Scheduling, Project Management)- my days are never boring, always a little hetic and I love it. I am one of those people who likes to be busy and loves the fact that you never know what challenges a day will bring.

I don’t agree with Egadz regarding the four year degree. I have an Associates Degree and my lack of a four year degree has not held me back. In less than five years I went from Entry level Receptionist to an Office Manager.

Bottom line is you need to decide what will make you happy, find a great company, and work hard.

I think the bottom line would be to decide if you want to specialize in a field ie legal, medical, corporate, HR. I would highly recommend a two year degree. I don’t think you need a four year but a two will take you down the career path in a shorter amount of time and will put you in line for office management type positions.

To the voice of Experience. I think it is presumptuous to say “get out of the admin ranks”. Speaking as someone who has a college degree and LOVES the administrative duties she does, I take offense whenever someone says “no one wants to be a secretary forever”. The administrative field can be just as rewarding to someone who enjoys their work as any other field that you can get a degree for. or for any other job you might have as long as you love what you do. I am an office manager for a busy sales office and I would NEVER want to be a sales person. It takes a certain kind of person to be a sales person and it also take a special kind of person to take care of the salespeople. I am the one that EVERYONE goes to when they want to know how to do ANYTHING in the office or on the computer, and whenever there is anything they need. I like to be that person. And I think that I am just as important to the bottom line as any other person in the company all the way up to the top.

I was taught growing up that whatever you decide to do give it your all.

I started right out of H.S. with an internationally known company as a telephone operator for the office. I did filing and assembled the order paperwork for the warehouse. Eventually I had experience with manifesting our shipments, receptionist, international shipping online, customer service and data entry.

This led me to be moved to Purchasing where I learned a lot about Excel.

With my current employer I started in Data Entry and now work in Accounting and have begun working with other services within the organization. I am able to jump into 3 of the 5 departments in our office without notice and fill in when I am needed. I have had opportunities for educational growth and learned so much from both employers. All by making myself open to new opportunities and doing the best I could with any job, even the ones I dreaded! I have virtually no college education beyond seminars and adult ed classes and make more than many in similar positions. I am not knocking college, I plan to attend when my children a little more independent but also know I can do pretty well without it as long as I am willing to work hard. Remember that you don’t just get credit when things go well, people remember when you screw up even more!!!

I think that saying “No one wants to be a secretary forever” is terrible! My mother was promoted to Administrative Assistant last year and still has a signature tag on her e-mail that reads “Secretary”. She is proud of what she does and that she helps so many others and does teh best work she can.

You need to remember that it takes all kinds to make the world go round! If there were no secretaries then what would you do?

Very interesting subject! I started as a data entry person from a staffing agency. Now I’m HR administrator and IT liason. A career path is very important as it impacts every part of your life. If I had to choose I probably would not have choosen what I do. But I Love how I do what I do. I think a person should first ask God what are my gifts and then be about becoming better at that. Then what ever your doing you will be used by God and a blessing to others.