What are your job accomplishments?

Someday, hopefully not too terribly soon, you’ll be looking for another job. And when that happens, you’ll need to sharpen your résumé so that it captures the attention of hiring managers.

Every hiring manager wishes for the applicant who tells him, “Here’s why you should hire me,” according to Jeannette Kraar, who writes for a blog called “Career Jockey.”

Unfortunately, the typical résumé simply lists job responsibilities, not accomplishments.

“Of course you need to make sure your reader understands what you did,” says Kraar. But your main focus should be itemizing victories, so that your future boss can imagine you doing the same things for him.

“Coming up with these facts for your résumé is no walk in the park. It’s work. This is especially true if what you did isn’t easily measured, or if you never spent much time thinking about your work this way,” she writes on her blog.

Tough Talks D

So Kraar challenges you to do this:

Take just one position on your résumé and dissect it into bullet points. Put a check mark next to each item that describes an accomplishment. Put an X next to each one that describes a job responsibility. If you have more X’s than checks, you have some work to do.

The trouble for many of us is this: We’ve been doing what we do for so long, we don’t consider it an accomplishment anymore. But look at it this way: If you’ve tackled something big recently that won kudos from your boss, consider it an “accomplishment.” It should go on the résumé—now.

So take a look at your résumé, and do your next boss a favor: Make it high on accomplishment and low on job responsibilities.